What does it mean to be a flower child? A hippie?

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HIPPIE. FREE SPIRIT. FLOWER-CHILD. These are terms that have become trends for our new generation. Which is a good thing because it means we have  more enlightened people in our generation, people who are not afraid to speak their truth and be their authentic selves. But do people really know what it means to be a hippie a flower child? It goes beyond dressing like one, all of this has has to do with a person's soul, the healing gifts a person has, a beautiful soul, the lifestyle one leads and finally it is about having a free and clear aura and spirit. A person can be dressed in a suit and still be a hippie because of their lifestyle, spirit and mind.  To get a better understanding of a flower-child and basically this entire phenomena and what it entails, let us hear from someone who identifies herself as a flower-child.  I interviewed Keaoleboga Ontlametse Nkashe about what being a flower-child means to her.

  • What does being a flower-child mean to you?
It is honestly just a label, everyone can be a flower-child but it is a label I embrace because it is cool. But to be a flower-child it literally means everything mentioned above about being free spirited and everything. It also means, you know how a flower is continuously growing, a flower literally never dies because it has seeds and each time it grows somewhere else, for me it means I never die, it's just that I grow somewhere else and I am forever growing, from seed to stem to the actual blossoming of the flower where you see the results. It means I am free enough to share it with the world, you do not take a flower and hide it from the world, it grows in a field where everyone can see it and then that is when you pluck it and give it to someone. This for means not being selfish with the gifts you have, you give colour to the world by sharing your gifts. It is about giving a part of yourself to the world and showing people it is okay not to be okay.
  • Does it entail a certain lifestyle?
I don't think it entails a certain lifestyle, I think it is really about your soul, opening your soul not only to yourself but to other people as well. It is just about being open, allowing your spirit to interact with others. Showing people it is okay to not be okay . Human beings all crave a sense of belonging so the whole term flower-child is basically about belonging. It is society that has put a lifestyle trend onto it.
  • Many times you guys are characterised as always being happy or in zen mode, are these  innate personality characteristics?
I don't think these are characteristics you are born with, you just choose to show that side. It is more like I am tired of this world being so bitter because everyone is walking around with problems and I just want to walk out and be happy because you do not want to be poisoned by the negativity. Being a flower-child is about being unique, not being sad just like everyone else, it is not about pretending but it is about tapping into a different kind of emotion that you already have. People like that are free-spirited because they are open, people who are closed off are often very bitter.
  • Many  flower children and/or hippies express themselves through art or fashion, how do you express yourself?
I love art, I draw, I write, I do dramatic arts which is my biggest love. My biggest talent is telling stories of other people to the world.